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    I admit that my thoughts on this issue have been influenced by this article on The Atlantic that I read recently and found very persuasive. http://www.theatlantic.com/… Not that you'll necessarily agree with it, but reading it might give you a clearer understanding of my argument.

    Yet another reason to avoid Arbys! As if I needed another.

    Do we work in a government setting or a private, secular company? Then, yes, I'll try to have you fired for harassment if you bring it up every single day. On the other hand, if you believe Dans should be oppressed, but you keep that belief to yourself or only talk about it when you aren't at work, then I would not

    You're right, homophobia is gradually dying off. I'm just not a fan of the tactic though. We can say the ends justify the means, but I don't really agree with that principle, nor do I think these means (intense social and financial pressure) are as effective as if we, as a society, were more willing to foster an

    That's a good thought. But I'm of the mind that a lot of bigotry can be reformed.

    As I just said, these guys aren't the ones being silenced. The effect, however, will be to silence others who are afraid of the consequences of voicing their opinions.

    Recent polls (from this January) show 34% of the country still opposes gay marriage (http://en.wikipedia.org/wik… ) Obviously that's way down from what it was a couple decades ago, but it's still about 100 million people. So yes, I would call that a large portion of the U.S.

    I'll say this. Screw these guys. However, the debate over gay rights is ongoing, in the sense that a large portion of the U.S. isn't on board with it yet. I believe we can convince more homophobes to change their minds through persuasion, debate, and appeals to humanism and sympathy than we can through these kinds of

    So is Tarantino the ultimate example of 'love the art, hate the artist'? He comes off as a smarmy, arrogant, hypersensitive creep. It's embarrassing to hear him speak. He should never appear in front of a camera. Whether he's going out of his way to pick fights with the paparazzi or making a horrible attempt to talk