
That makes absolutely no sense. I'm don't even care to explain why, but I will if you want me to. Just let me know.

No, it is. I just prefer sci-fi with substance, for example - Brave New World, Neuromancer, Blade Runner, Arrival, etc. but hey, to each their own "little girl"

I'm not interested in Buffy and The Walking Dead is a terrible show (I don't care how many people obsess over it). Yes, I did feel emotional at the end of Lost but that was after investing God knows how many hours into the show. I watched The OA in 7 hours and it was disingenuous, lame, and had its own head VERY far

That sounds like a very wordy cop-out to me…

The OA is a show for teens. It's only adult when it shows two pairs of tits for all of 5 seconds, and even then, what teen can't handle boobies?

In the age of the internet and millenial culture, EVERYTHING is talked about more than it should be. With all due respect, what you just said really doesn't mean anything

I think that says less of the show and more about your mental health.

You are my spirit animal. Let's meet up and try and find the 6th movement.

It would have been much better if the interpretive dance failed and they all got shot - or maybe that's just me…

Something about Jason Isaac's character reminded me of Ben from Lost. What was it exactly? I have no fucking clue.

Isn't BBA short for Big Black Ass?

Maybe it was all just bullshit.

Fuck, am I actually agreeing with Al Sharpton?

Not really. I wouldn't even consider myself a huge fan of the show or Brit Marling but that's one hell of an assumption.

White privilege 101

The cinematography was alright I guess…

The gainz start early these days.

Do you really take anything that you experienced during your NDE seriously? I am in no way trying to come off as condescending, merely curious.

Capri-Sun is a clear liquid. How would it ruin their clothing?

He lives in a trailer you shit-lord.