Ben Neal

Here is a theory on why this season was such a mess. I think the writers, like everyone else, assumed Hillary would be elected president, and Keane was supposed to mirror that. Then, halfway through filming , the unthinkable happened, so they made a pivot on Keane's character and changed the entire plot of the

So was the suspense just that she might find Max? Cause I half expected her to throw a knife a Carrie or something. Also makes you wonder if what Max said to O'Keefe about meth and hookers was the truth.

Does anyone want to discuss the child services broad? That scene at the end gave me the creeps. Notice how she always keeps Carrie in front of her? They lingered on the scene for a while, so there has got to be something there. Also, CPS chick had some lingering looks that suggested…Something. Also, she knows Dar

Apparently you've never watched any David E. Kelly.

Oh nothing at all. Stay classy

gross dude

In that short of time? I use Judith as a measuring tool. She can't me more than 2 years old.

I felt like his grin was saying,"The fuck is this?" Like his character was taking the trash people about as serious as the audience.

I got the same vibe. The emotionless people. And the leaders weird lackey looked like a straight up Vulcan.

In the book they imply that a supernatural possession in Frank. Since it happens in Derry in the book, it's implied that it's IT.

I agree. I think in the book he had crippling diarrhea (is that a thing?) and a high fever. Plus the knife kid.

I read the book, and am loving the series. Disappointed they cut out Derry, but I can see why they did it. A lot of the references would be lost on the general viewing public. I hope they do at least a nod to Christine though. Was hoping for that when Jake bought his car, but they didn't. I think that's when it

I was actually refering to the Donald Trump comment, thought that was obvious. Ill try to explain myself a little better in the future. I get politics shoved down my throat everywhere. Hate when it bleeds into my entertainment…

Way to contribute. Fucking worthless troller.

Just watched the pilot. Always love coming here for reviews, synopsis, and things I may have missed. Do you know what I don't come here for? Politics. Hopefully in the subsequent reviews, Mr. Scott Von Doviak will check his ideology at the door.

In appearance that is.

Kevin Garvey=Phil Dunphy. Just sayin…

Steven Williams meeting in the parking garage reminded me of X-files. Anyone else see that connection?

You are right. Reminiscent is an understatement.

Not sure if this has been mentioned, but I saw numerous references to other Cohen Brothers films. So the woods scene reminiscent to Millers Crossing, especially with the ambiguous murder, and with Danny Boy playing, which is also featured in Millers Crossing. I Just Dropped In was played twice, which was featured in