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    Sure, I could just be cynical about it too and dismissive too like you or I could with any comic book movie whether it be batman fighting superman, or ironman in a hulk buster suit trying to lay the smack down on Hulk and certainly not hurting some toy sales in the process. I just figured it made sense to address the

    I didn't say it was a great or even a good movie I just said that this being the aftermath and continuation from it makes sense. Given how paranoid and cynical society is already, in a world where the events of man of steel actually happen, then yes it would be gravely serious going forward from there because it made

    An alien invasion happened that almost destroyed the entire world. The indirect if not direct cause of this - the arrival of and continued presence of a seemingly invincible super-powered alien unlike anyone has ever seen - is on everyone's mind and he remains the most controversial figure of all time in the universe