Hugh Jorgan

And what if they insist Santa is real? People believe what they want to believe. Most rational people are aware fox is fake news. It's the job of rational people to marginalize people who try to pass off fox news as real news, not the job of Fox News to make sure all the gullible people forking over dollar bills

True. It went through a bit of a racy phase but definitely kid friendly now.

What makes me stupid? The fact that I don't think fox news is actually in the news business but in the news entertainment business?

Maybe, maybe not. Is it the WWEs job to run a disclaimer after every show that says "this is a fake sport"? Lots of kids believe the WWE is real. When I see a kid wearing a John Cena shirt, I don't pull him aside and say, "you know that guy isn't a real athlete."

Do you get mad at the The Onion for making up stories? They have a gullible audience willing to pay for all their ridiculous merchandise- hats, coffee mugs, terrible books. If they were an actual news channel I'd say yes, they have a responsibility. But they are to news what the WWE is to sports.

I remember when the WWE (when it was the WWF) billed itself as an actual sport, right up until various states started requiring drug tests of athletes as part of getting a license. After that they openly admitted they were "sports entertainment" so they could avoid the sports requirements. I still enjoy professional

He also knows karate.

O'Reilly was largely popular because he could pull off the "I'm the son of a blue collar turdminer from east Pennsylvania" everyman schtik, whereas Carlson's mannerisms are that of an ivy league legacy, backwards hat wearing, frat boy college Republican douche nozzle whose truly believes he is a self made man because

I think Hannity is just doing an Alex Jones-type impersonation of a raging conservative asshole, he is probably a conservative in real life but by all accounts is actually a decent person in terms of how he treats folks around him (I knew a dude who used to work on a radio show with him and he was quite surprised that

Is Tucker Carlson a fop or a dandy?

So he's the Martin Luther of the Jedi.

In the original run, the Guardian knows that Jack is the one prophesied to pass through the portal, but only once he's ready. So there is still at least one time portal still remaining.

I also don't think they are replicants, but one could argue that the memories of training are implanted (like Deckers memories might actually be Edward James Olson's, hence the origami). Training might have been real at one time, but now they just implant them to ensure all soldiers will act predictably. Could also

I think a lot of people missed the actual theme of the movie Soldier, or maybe were expecting something else (like people who complained "Drive" wasn't a Fast and Furious clone). From the reviews: Bruce Westbrook of the Houston Chronicle- "The action is handled fairly well, but it's routine, and there's no

But would you miss a chance to kick Stallone?

Soldier is a fantastic action movie.

Someone posted that the show SHOULD have basically been a martial arts version of "The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt" rather than whatever the hell it turned out to be (I stopped watching after the fifth episode, it became unbearable). Big missed opportunity there. It would have worked so much better and in line with

You can attend a non ABA accredited law school in California (they prey on low income people who for some reason aspire to be ambulance chasing lawyers) and can still sit for the California Bar. It's a strange state.

ET goes turkey and pastrami, not HAM

Trump owns the cane from Citizen Kane.