The era of reasonable discussions ended a long time ago.
(Mounts a bomb, rides it to the ground, Slim Pickens style.)
How'd they know about my hobbies?
It would be best not to "comment", as it were?
(Decides to overlook the loathsome "AF" locution, upvotes on the basis of content.)
"…where out collective sense of humour would be…"
I will solemnly stare at the mirror and called myself a blue-eyed devil.
The president-for-life wore horn-rimmed glasses and a leopard-skin pillbox hat, fer criminy!
Something something, get in line girl, am I right?
If I die and go to Hell, I'll be confined to a library whose books are full of nothing but that Stereogum article, on page after page after page, an endless procession of tepid and prissy opinions.
(Googles "Blasian")
Asian AND blonde. "Blasian".
(Shrugs, pulls out hash-pipe.)
(titters, adjusts periwig)
My negative feelings toward tweens when I was one are pretty close to my negative feelings toward them now.
"Hi, I'm Seth Rogen. Sure, I find tits arousing.
Christian iconography as body jewelry was especially avant-garde at the time.
This is eerily reminiscent of what happens if one lacks the patience to toast marshmallows sufficiently slowly.
Just spitballing, but…"Emoticon Movie"!!!