nominal name

The 2010s: where facility with language needn't make or break the aspiring young writer.

Look, he's nonplussed by the idea of subtraction.

Well, my paternal grandfather was an enthusiastic and proficient hunter who put game and fowl on the holiday table. I remember the birds were delicious, however…

I missed this, on account of being too old. But credible young people have persuaded me that it had a certain something.

Who does he think he is, the President?

Now you keep it sweet, beet.

"Enjoy the gradual soul death"

I took two Mathematical Logic classes from a professor that wore those.

I find them upsetting, but less so than those finger shoes.

(Runs into estranged father, thinks "we used to be friends")

This cloud looks like a horse.

Done, and done.

"Crime is down, Chris, though, oddly, so is tourism. Crack…is gone."

(Decides this will be a fun thread.)

Well, it does spread awareness of the obscure, up-and-coming "feminism" brand.

He just doesn't give a fuck. Which is admirable.

What are they good for?

"One of my earliest memories is being assaulted by a goose."

"…unhappy with the way their city has changed and recently…"

It takes a lot to pry any goodwill toward any millennial pop-star out of me.