Everyday I'm Fappenin'

Except he's funny and makes observations I find relevant which is opposite of what you just tried to do..Or maybe comedy's subjective and there's no need to fuck this guy?

I'm pretty sure that is that point…also she's a useless idiot.

you talkin bout me?

Classic Poe!

You know you're right when calicheese finally drops that comment about not having to prove his/her argument to you because you have a "fly-by newbie" account. Gotta love the commenters on this site who equate longevity and number of posts to knowledge or expertise on a matter they most likely know no facts about and

I can't stop laughing at this, thanks!

Hahaha dude I was definitely kidding. Was trying to do my best gun nut impression. These idiots can't even admit that guns are inherently dangerous and that non-gun deaths are irrelevant to the gun control discussion. I'd be more open to their side of the argument if they were just honest and stated "guns are cool huh

but but but cars, planes, trains, water, pills, knives, elevators, operations, motorcycles, earthquakes, climbing mt Everest, tornadoes, hurricanes, and many other things I'm leaving off this list kill people too!!!!!! Should we control/ban all of those things as well?????

but he said "Radiohead record"?

I feel like you're not even reading my replies…please go google "predestination paradox" and tell me how this is any different? Your definition of paradox is too restrictive; google that also. If you want to call it a loop that's fine but then it's a casual loop, i.e., a predestination paradox, bootstrap paradox, etc.

Hell yeah dude!

Right. Agreed. But also some would call this the "predestination paradox" of time travel; i.e., casual LOOP.

Yes I get that and understand why this isn't the Grandfather Paradox…but isn't something a little odd about how hodor only becomes hodor because of future Bran but future Bran can only make hodor that way if hodor had been that way to get future bran to Bloodravem? Or do we assume the first time through the timeline

It def appears to more of a paradox than a tight loop. I get nothing changed but it seems like they're saying hodor only became hodor because of bran but for bran to be where he was to have that vision then hodor already had to be hodor but hodor couldn't be hodor unless bran had that vision. And round and round we

It's a logical conclusion, I reached it before the reviewer stated it. Although you could be joking, cuz that totally seems like Fudd's MO

I'm not your guy, friend!

Oh man, great point about Daario which made me realize how quickly (relatively) Jorah kneeled because he had seen it before and still remembered its awesomeness.

I miss where Dr. Bong complained about not seeing enough of Emilia Clarke's naked body in his comment. Both your notes are valid, but then you go imply Dr. Bong is some sort of creep/pervert with the last part. Weak.

She left her fireproof clothes in mereen