Everyday I'm Fappenin'

I don't think the Knights of the Vale would have marched otherwise? Or at least Robyn wouldn't have okay'd it without his cousin being in trouble?

He was and almost da watch twice cuz of that

Here we go…

Odd how?

Nah she's a terrible actress, stop lying to yourself

How is Heigl still getting work? Worst. Actress. Ever.

Did you mean Amnesiac?

I think all of that, including Richard tripping, was done on purpose

Exactly…not sure how the reviewer failed to mention even the possibility of this not matter how remote he thinks it is.

Yeah dude he wasn't referring to the US Capitol building…

George Zimmerman!

I think maybe he lied to protect Howlen's honor which kind of makes that honorable?

Agreed and yet he still gave it a B (I think, don't want to scroll up) which seems too high of grade based on his tone and comments. I'm confused.

Hahaha dude I hate spoilers
Myself but it's just the name of a building

Agreed about Thoros, but I feel like they indicated each resurrection took something out of Thoros himself…?

It was just a flesh wound

I like this thought, but do you think Osha and Rickon are in on it also? Because I can't see Rickon letting Shaggydog take one for the team like that if he is part of the plan…

Yes, starting now.

They pulled a Motion Picture Soundtrack with True Love Waits and it's fucking awesome.

Something about that initial gasp or grunt sound at 5:44 in daydreaming gets me every time…feels like that deep sleep you're coming out of where your mind is awake but you can't move your body and you're just trying so so hard to wake up and grasp for that first breathe….