Everyday I'm Fappenin'

Music theoretically and technically amazing sounds. But I get what you are saying also. Us radiohead fans are prone to hyperbole though I've been able to check myself after Kid A. Other apparently cannot. Kind of like Taylor swift fans.

Yeah let's do what everyone else does! "Classy" is subjective. Don't get sad. Nice comeback.

Saw them at chicago palooza in 2008 and it was fucking awesome

So a B grade is negative? Ok dude ok

The point of me comment was to inquire why you would post a dismissal of the show in a forum where fans of said show gather but then claim you are not trying to take away from anyone else's enjoyment which your original comment definitely does.

So what was the point of posting your original comment then?

Jeez I actually considered you were joking but defaulted to nuclear option cuz I was having a bad day. My bad, I don't think your avatar is stupid. I was being mean :(

And your avatar is fucking stupid. What's your point?

I believe you meant OSCAR WINNER Alicia Vikander?

Can someone please remind me why we hate Lindeloff?

So your hatred for Damon remains at unchanged levels even after the "excellent" second season? Makes sense.

Just realized you also said "either it's funny or not". My bad. Told you I'm too many Two Equis in.

Oh my! I'm too many 2-Equis in at this Mexican restaurant to reply coherently but I appreciate your response. You did gather correctly that I feel this way about all movies at the end of the day. I also think nothing is off limits when it comes to comedy. However I don't judge a joke based on how good of a person the

It's a movie. Calm the fuck down.

You got upset cuz he reemphasized the point you clearly missed in caps?

Hey I've never seen any of the Harry Potter movies but I know the perfect actor for the one part!

Fuck yeah you can!

Dude. Just stop watching the fucking show then you dolt.

Donny knows all and is The authority on this show. If you hadn't figured that out ;)

No he did not. Neither in the show nor the book. Al actually admitted he has no idea how it works in the book. He brought back beef as others have mentioned as well as money and who knows what else.