Everyday I'm Fappenin'

Oh no the cast credits are off!

Love all the linguistics experts on AV Club!

haha word, good talk cya out there!

ah the hubris of people who think their opinion is fact and no one can disagree never ceases to amaze me.

I'm so so so confused…like if a dude talks to another dude in this manner is it still mansplaining? Or is he just an asshole? If the latter then is there a double standard? And what about women who talk this way to men (which happens to me every single day at work)? My head hurts



This episode was just fine…the review not so much. Maybe someone needs a break from binging.

I haven't read it in years but even my 13 year old self pictured it was in da two hole before I even knew what anal sex was!

Arnold Demoski, 26, said in a phone interview Saturday that he struck the dog teams and was blacked out when it happened after drinking hard liquor in a nearby village. He said it was not an attack as the media has reported.

Hey man I got your back on all of this. However I think at this point you need to realize most AV Club commenters are a bunch of kunts who are rarely open minded enough to accept and admit they are wrong (though I'm sure in their minds they think they are and really love themselves for it) Keep on fighting the good


You had me at business suit and heels

Ummm hasn't there only been 1 episode aired thus far?

Are asterisks the new air quotes or something? Did I miss this?

What does that mean? King's characters are amazingly detailed and fleshed out. Have you even read any Stephen King?

Marah still sticking to using the word "damning" to describe the Pajiba claims. Good times.

You're on fire dude! You should DEFINITELY be a screenwriter as I previously mentioned!

You should be a screen writer!

That's just that Beema asshole dude