Chris Adams

There aren't any direct descendants of David Rittenhouse left, only of his siblings. His direct line died out over a century ago, as far as I can tell.

I went down the rabbit hole on this one. TL/DR: David Rittenhouse's direct descendants didn't last more than a handful of generations, as far as I can tell.

It's easy to imagine that exact thing might happen to Garcia Flynn, if he ever stopped pursuing his mission long enough to look into his own personal history.

That's excused under the Back to the Future rule that obviously no-one remembers people's appearance that well after 20-30 years. Flynn's mother would be even less likely to remember his face clearly, I imagine, since it was one day as opposed to, what, a week in Back to the Future?

Man, they were in Philadelphia in "Stranded" the other week, too.

Just rewatched it with my wife, who's a bit behind - no, Barry's tie is objectively larger than Jay's. It's not just his skinny neck. It's also softer and puffier, not the classic crisp version Jay's wearing.

Oh, Barry definitely didn't sleep with Linda; didn't you catch the subtle indicator that she'd only "made out" with the Flash?

Barry looked good, but his bowtie was seriously oversized. I'm hoping that this was deliberate, because Barry's supposed to be a bit goofy and not a snappy dresser, because Jay looked just right, and I'd hate to think the wardrobe department has a grudge against Grant Gustin. ;)

I do think TV's Danny Rand can be an American character with Asian heritage and not be any less of an outsider the way white, blond Danny Rand was in the comics.

He's entitled to run for two terms in his own right, isn't he? Like Lyndon Johnson (not that he did). So far, he's only finished out Walker's term, and is now running for his first. Or did they change that law since the Sixties?

And Grace Park. Does she technically have the best post-Battlestar Galactica career, in that she's been a regular on that show consistently since then while everyone else has been on failed series? Am I overlooking someone?

If they do this, just let him use his native accent. He doesn't have to sound American, or British, and there's no way anyone's going to expect him to do a (modern) Greek accent, much less an accurate-to-the-period (as best we can guess) ancient Greek one. So why not let him be Australian?

I heard a really good defence of that joke - and it was a joke, part of his act, a stage routine that killed - on a recent episode of the podcast Unpopular Opinion. I think it was the episode with Quincy Johnson and Dani Fernandez.

I liked her last hosting appearance.

I believe in the book, when Chilton threatens the same thing, they give him nappies (diapers).

The stock footage of Air Force One with a few lines of voiceover reminds me of the similar dogfighting scene in Blackadder Goes Forth's episode "Plane" - which, as I discovered when I adapted it into a never-performed high school play, is not only mediocre writing but also perfectly forgettable, since Edmund lays out

Ken Hite, Robin Laws?

I really liked BLAZE, but I value it more for its getting me into the Richard Stark "Parker" novels.

That's in his foreword for the book itself, isn't it?

Offspin bowler. It's a cricket term. There are legspin and offspin bowlers, as well as fast bowlers, all having to do with whether they make the ball bounce off the seam one way or another or simply deliver it at breakneck pace.