
Your explanation makes some sense, but the Show had always previously portrayed Hannibal as a Super Villain Chess Master who was always correctly anticipating his opponent's moves and understood their psyche better than they did themselves, so I think it was in-congruent to suddenly make Hannibal act so foolishly and

First I think many commenters are giving Bedalia way too much credit to think she was physically, emotionally, and medically capable of cutting of her own leg, stop the bleeding and sterilize the wound, and afterwards to have the wherewithal to prepare such an elaborate meal of herself.

Not sure if this has already been mentioned, but Ethan's suicidal death was very implausible to me. After all he had done to stay alive and keep his family together, he goes for a kamikaze suicide to kill some abbies? Was he just as sick of being around his Son as the audience?

Makes sense. He would have had to kill all of Masons goons first, and quietly, before he tortured Cordell (i'm assuming Cordell is a squealer). Good thing Hannibal still arrived in the nick of time to save Will after all that hammer time.

I didn't notice it was Cordell's face that Mason was wearing - that one slid right by me. Wonder if Cordell was alive when Hannibal cut off his face.

I'm a bit disappointed we didn't get to see Hannibal kill Cordell. I assume that Hannibal used the bloody hammer he walked out of the house with to kill Cordell?

If Hannibal was desperate to keep Will in his life, why was he attempting to cut his skull open and eat his brain only a few days before? Hannibal didn't seem to care that much about keeping Will alive, he only did so because he promised Alana to let Will leave as her condition for releasing him. I think the love