
There has never been, and will never be, a tennis-themed box office hit.

I come from absurdly healthy stock, but I really don't take care of myself, so I expect I'll live well into my 100s, and in abject misery for the last 20 to 30 years of them.

I'm pretty sure every song listed in this review has shown up in one of my Shuffle thread posts.

I saw Iron Man 2 and I have no recollection of this at all. I thought it was just about Mickey Rourke smashing shit with an electronic bullwhip.

Cabbage rolls and coffee!
Mmm-mmm good!

As for the claim that it’s the word’s very sound that offends people, Mashable thinks otherwise, citing rhyming words like “hoist” and “foist” as inoffensive.

How Wedding Crashers became “this generation’s Animal House”

♫ Haim!

…sidewinding, bushwhacking, hornswaggling, cracker crooker…

I think my parody version will be a vast improvement, where it is the duty of The Hashslinger to defend The Dark Diner.

So Asian Towering Inferno then? I hope OJ's parole hearing goes well enough to clear him in time for a cameo.

Maybe he can parlay what will certainly be a very high profile role into other opportunities. Perhaps a signature scent?

They've got a point; I'm pretty sure snowboarding has been outlawed as torture by the Geneva Convention.

So we now have contemporary remakes of Bewitched, Bedazzled, and Beguiled. Could there be any more left?

Somehow, nobody has said Ant-Man yet. I mean, come on.

My favorite moment in any CYOA book is the first choice: "Do you want to go through the secret passage you discovered, or do you want to go home and do your chores like your mommy told you to?" I wondered if there were children in the world who were so boring and obedient that they would choose the 'give up and go

"Out of respect for the privacy interests of those involved, we do not intend to release the videotape of the incident."

The music of Celine Dion is not cool; she however seems like she very likely is, because by all accounts she's very nice, very unpretentious, and very silly.

"Fine son, we'll get to work on that 50 foot Shia LaBeouf tomorrow."

Yeah, I'm not buying it. My girlfriend tried to tell me that lavender ice cream was delicious, so I tried it and thought "now I know what it's like to eat a scented candle."