
It is the truest thing he's ever said, which means it could only have happened by accident.

[shrug] I enjoyed Excalibur.

I think somebody's forgetting about Hungry Eyes.

You ain't lyin' about that, son. I am a bottomless pit for boiled crawfish. I never stop eating boiled crawfish because I'm full; I'll stop because I run out of crawfish or the will to continue.

The original was a film that only had any success based on the chemistry of its leads and an of-the-moment soundtrack. Jettison those things and you're left with a cheesy, obvious premise that probably couldn't come together with even the most skillfully artful presentation. C- sounds awfully generous for trite

Nailed it!

I would say mainly Keith (there are things I like about Keith, things I don't like about Keith, and things I really don't like about Keith, and in the third category is that he's an abysmal interviewer/interviewee), although the Trump characterization wasn't working for me either, but I grant it was a very small

Perhaps it was just bad timing, but I flipped across this during an interview with Keith Olbermannnnnnnnn, and it took about 10 seconds before I was like, "Oh God, no more."

More like their rods, know what I mean?

♫ Typhoid Mary
Guess you better spread that typhoid 'round ♫

Maybe Paul McCartney will buy it, because he's an Elvis fan and it would be cool to own his

not only is it the first film of the modern superhero movie boom to have a female lead…

Oh, for fuck's sake. Can't we just call all of them ______ of the Living Dead and be done with it? Do we have to reboot ripoffs of ripoffs of ripoffs?

He's not here. This isn't happening.

…[his daughter] asking why he was laughing at the things Trump said when “they weren’t funny.”

Does it say anything about me that whenever I played, I always seemed to draw animals and vehicles and the like pointed in the opposite direction of almost everyone else?

Isn't that the end of Bubble Boy?

There's a typo in your headline. People get hired at Fox News for being assholes.

The insurance company has released a statement:

It looks like somebody couldn't get Estelle Getty's likeness rights.