
So wait, you liked it or what

It can and it does mean she showed her naked body for millions of people to see and enjoy.

Why don't you answer that yourself? And why does it matter anyway?

She objectified herself. For massive audiences. And I wouldn't need a pass anyway. Because there's no such thing.

No one is making her do that. She's choosing to. Just like she chooses to pose in bikinis. Just like she chooses to capitalize on her beauty for advertising and films. There's nothing wrong with that and there's nothing wrong with talking about her looks in an article.

Honestly, I feel like this was the first episode of the season to drop the ball. Didn't laugh one time. None of the shows on the space cable worked for me. And I was invested in Jerry's dick donation as much as Rick, Morty, and Summer were.

How is that Danny's face in the final poster? Looks like an alien child.