
I see all the comments about "this Doctor is back to being so alien" but I can't help but see that this Doctor is so … not the Doctor. 11 tells SpaceScrooge that he's never met anyone before who wasn't important? And now this Doctor doesn't think humans are "special"? Sure, you can say this is 6 all over again…but I

I agree with you … just watched the ep. I'm like, "Why is Clara crying?" Also, it's not as if the decision was just for HER. You could say the Doctor was leaving it with Astronaut #3, but he was allowing all the other two humans to have a vote. It just doesn't make sense that this is the same Clara who made him (and

I'm of two minds on this one — I did enjoy it and like what I saw of 12. But at every commercial break, I kept texting a friend saying, "wow, they've gone really meta," and repeated that several times (my friend kept replying, "just wait until the end."). This is certainly the most defensive new Doctor introduction.

The problem with 6 is that he immediately dumped on 5. Watching it the first time, I was like, "Um, I liked that guy, thank you very much." Then 6 ending with a pompous "You just better get used to me now." Turned me off at the start and never got me back on board.

When old guy became a hungry badass monster, I was waiting for the inevitable Snickers cross-promotion…

I'm going to give this one a chance … it's summer, and I'm already doing "Whodunnit?" So let's just do this thing… I have no shame in my summer watching.