
Nice work, cucks.

lol, politifact!

SJW sites like yours are turning into self-parody.

If anyone is entitled, it's the people telling everyone they should react a certain way to something. You are not entitled to the internet being nice.

You're clearing trying too hard

it's a little creepy you're just waiting for my response

McCain wasn't even well-liked by Republicans, so that's not a real point.

Um, idiot, it's more about how it was written than anything else.

lol as if those are even issues this election and as if supporting a republican president means you have some stake in either, which part of Trump's platform is about gay rights and religion?

no one pays anyone for their comments, moron

lol really?

oh man i am so sick of whiny liberals getting paid to write long essays on the internet, figure it out, idiots, you lost this one

It's because the show is actually trying to make Cersei more sympathetic than the books did. Having her be completely against the sex the entire time because she actually LOVED her son, to a lot of us, makes her seem like a better person than the one who willingly fucks her brother in her dead son's presence.