Joe Cee

stories about real life rock stars are better with some poetic license like Velvet Goldmine, Last Days, and I'm Not There.

Me too. it's actually a really good movie, especially for Michael Shannon's performance. Dakota Fanning is good, too.

The film with Andre 3000 is awful, meandering, and tedious and doesn't contain a single song by Jimi Hendrix.

Contrails! Thank you! I had no idea what you call that.

The cross means many things. I didn't see it as a cross when I first saw the episode, and saw the shot as Dons desire for escape, but when he picks up the hitchhiker and he tells Don he's going to "St. Paul"(who created what is now the Christian religion)coupled with other reference to Jesus, I went back and looked at

It's odd too, but this episode made a series of references to Jesus. the first was when he looks up
and sees the airplane flying by the Empire State Building and the planes trail crosses with the buildings spire and makes the obvious shape of the cross. Second was the reference Diana's husband makes and the third comes

these multiple references to the Christian church and probably, and more accurately, a redemption theme are interesting. I don't believe those three moments are coincidental, either.

Three references to Christianity in this episode. Don sees a cross over Manhattan(smoke trail from the plane and the buildings spire are in the shape of a cross) and then walks out of the office, Diana's husband tells Don, "only Jesus can save her now", and the hitchhiker at the end of the episode says he's going to

Big surprise that the majority of the country doesn't want to watch a couple of attractive yuppies living in 4000/month apartments.

Beautifully said. She embodies everything wrong with contemporary pop culture, and feminism, and is indicative of the cultural rot perpetrated by mainstream media that we are slogging through.

You know ZERO about cinema, and your critique is pedestrian, and uninformed.

And that has what to do with Dunham, and her bs accusations?

What does that have to do with Dunham? She's not extraordinary.

Amazing how much cultural rot Judd Apatow is responsible for.

Kevin Smith is a recipent of good timing with Clerks as the Indy film scene, Sundance, and Miramax were all new things and they were listening to all kinds of voices. After that he made exactly one decent film, Chasing Amy. Dunham was never good, and if it wasn't for liberal media, and feminists Girls would have been

And Megan Fox.

Bingo! Her mom is renowned, well connected, and rich, and was able to give her 50k, and the use of her loft to make her first film. How else did it even get into Sundance?

Boring. So sick of this abominable young woman.

Dunham was not raped. the event didn't even happen.

you sound like a dumb feminist who makes false tape accusations after she feels guilty for drunken sex, and whose only argument is dumb ad hominem attacks.