
But how did they become rivals in the first place when they existed generations apart? The future rivalry is the root of Eobard's hatred for Barry and the cause of the time traveling assassination attempt.

I have what is undoubtedly a dumb question. In Eobard's time wouldn't Barry be about 150 years old? I mean Eddie is the great great great great grandfather right? And Eobard said he will born in 136 years. Does Barry's rapid cell regeneration also prevent aging I guess?

How great was the (fake) argument scene between Fitz and Simmons in retrospect? I had to go back and rewatch it after the episode ended because it flew over my head initially, but it's really well written as they essentially explain the plan for stealing the cube to each other while feigning infighting

24 was a single hour each episode, and it moved faster than any other show on television.