no one

You are right about giving us a good Marcus/Sherlock fix. Everyone paired with Sherlock is a good combo but I especially enjoy those two together.

What a very good episode. Only down graded to an A- because of all the murders. At least we didn't have to see all the bodies.

Very true.

I guess he thinking was that a predator that only commits crimes of opportunity is still a predator. And his punishment of them was just a beating and public shaming which seems appropriate. But maybe that's just me.

Would be nice way to tie everything up if this is going to be the last season.

The idea of Moreland running Moriarty's empire is interesting but he was already into global finance and banking which is the biggest criminal enterprise in the world so why would he bother. But the way you describe Shinwell being used to distract Joan and separate her from Sherlock sounds very much in line with

The biggest problem with it being Mycroft is how he would have recruited Shingles from where ever he is hiding, but I guess nothing that couldn't be written around. But for me I'd much rather it be Moriarty because I hated every moment Mycroft and Moreland were on screen.

I completely agree with you. It's just if he is connected with Moriarty it might make him at least a bit interesting.

What's the over/under on Shinwell working for Moriarty?

Am I supposed to like Shinwell? Because I am just not feeling it. He's not nearly as bad as Mycroft or dad but the sooner he is gone the better.

Lies. I enjoy a good murder as much as the next guy. Although I agree we don't need one every week.


I think you're right. And I really appreciate your insightful take. Good job.

i'm sick and tired of Holmes' family issues.

Don't forget about season 1, episode 14 “The Deductionist”. The killer wiped out a whole operating room staff then several more people during the episode. Easily the worst episode of Elementary so far.

Wouldn't the college professor have leaped right to the front of the suspect queue when he stepped forward to claim ownership of his dead wife's property?

You serious? They just … they just told you that a moment ago.

I considered a temperature sensor too but the bomb was inside the body and the body was inside a body bag and Nicky had just barely put him into the freezer. She was still leaning in and hadn't even closed the door yet. It would have to have been an extremely sensitive sensor.

The dad got lucky. The woman's body should have been in a different morgue but because of a highway accident ended up at the morgue with the bomb.

Yeah I had a bad feeling about that too. They did a great job of making me like her in a very short time. There was no way that wasn't going to end badly.