no one

I literally said "oh shit" out loud when that bomb went off. I know the show deals to much in murder but damn.

Okay I hear what you are saying but come on, who given the opportunity wouldn't keep grinding on JLM?

How come when ever someone's car is "take over" they never at least try to turn off the ignition?

So does this mean the husband really was going to purchase antique door knobs?

Plodding is putting it mildly. That was a long boring slog. If this is the direction the show is taking for the rest of the season I guess I'll have an extra hour of free time Thursday nights. Please send "Mr. Holmes" back to England. The sooner the better.

When Sherlock walked into Alfredo's garage for just a moment he gave off quite a Swing Blade vibe.

It looked to me like he was trying to say something about the immunity idol. Does he know she has one? Maybe he was asking for it.

"Mom, what did you think of Strange Inheritance?"
"I'd rather be flossing my teeth."

I wish there was a community rating for articles because I'd like to give this one an A.


you're right

I'd guess that Oscar is alive and he told Holmes Sr for some sort of reward.

You said Clyde appeared in 7 episodes, did not appear in 17 then "which means that Clyde didn’t even appear in a third of the episodes". You just have to flip that. He DID appear in a third. Well 29% but close enough to a third for your point to be correct, just inverted.

"Yes… triggers abound here."

I've honestly loved these reviews. Always seemed to come at the show as a fan but more than ready to point out it's flaws. Plus between you and the comments I usually ended up with a good reason to watch each episode again right away to see the things I missed.

Well, that answered that. I was wondering how they would capture my attention for the finale after the slog of the 2nd half of this season.

The SNL take on Dora is good but the CollegeHumor videos with Ariel Winter from Modern Family are pretty great.

So if you refuse to be restricted by everyone else's narrow view of space and time AoS is actually a spin-off of Agent Carter.

I think the Granada Television series with Jeremy Brett shows that almost direct translations of Doyle to TV are not only possible but wonderful. But even being a fan, I will more than readily admit that in some of those stories it's surprising Sherlock didn't pull a groin with how far logic and reasoning were

If this is how the season is going to peter out they should have saved the Kitty arc for the 2nd half.