
MiB is either William or Logan (almost certainly William). There's simply no alternative now. If you accept the events surrounding him happened in an earlier timeline (confirmed this ep with Dolores's metal bits, but some may still not be convinced), if he's not MiB then he's just some random guy from the past who we

I have important information about the biggest terrorist investigation in the country's history. Oh well, seems the President's a little busy right now, better keep it to myself, maybe he'll have some time next week. Surely nothing could happen to me and the only other person that has this information before then,

I think the two timeline theory is now close to confirmed. It's at the point now where it would be a twist for it not to be true. Too many nods (different Lawrence being the most recent) and too much creative editing to be a coincidence. It could be one massive red herring, but that would be cheap.

Yeah, we've just watched ~12 hours of TV. It needs to be enjoyable of itself, it can't rely on payoffs in later seasons. And that's the criticism of MRS2, too much hidden from the viewer and too little of quality shown.

For those saying that anyone disappointed in the finale just can't deal with unknowns. That's not it at all. I was disappointed because the season was mostly just "ok". There was a lot of teasing and alluding to something behind the curtain. Almost a full season, and the break in between of, "is Tyrell dead?" for

I chose to believe and was forsaken.

The show either has a million allusions and red herrings just for the heck of it, and is therefore very much diminished, or there is a greater mystery here than Elliot's "imaginary" friend. The biggest reveal of the series is coming in the final episode that changes or explains everything. Either that or the show

Sure, but how does that get Angela to believe that it's all ok that WR killed her mother?

Are you going to be back next week to play that poker machine, even though you've just blown a month's wages?

I choose to believe. I don't think all answers will be pushed off to next season. The final episode will be a genuine pivot which will make clear what the show has been leading to all along. You don't tease Tyrell all season without having a payoff in mind. And as the reviewer pointed out there are so many allusions

So the success of this season all comes down to the Tyrell reveal, right? MR's main twists have mostly hidden in plain sight. This one has been teased more than any other, even the pivotal, "is Slater real?" and it's not clear where it's going. Dangling this carrot for the full season (and the gap between) makes it

This show needs Elliott to recover his health to a functional level. Useless, clueless Elliott is getting wearing and neither the secondary characters or the overarching plot are enough to carry the show without Elliott doing much of anything. So far this season is not as strong as the first, Elliott is less

Never a good guy no, but a likeable rogue: he doesn't play by the rules but his heart is in the right place. For me the latter no longer applies, heart in the right place means nothing if you keep overlooking the consequences of your actions. I'm not expecting a full sprial ala WW in BB (Saul was still likeable, at

Got to this ep late but seeing the inevitable consequences of Jimmy's shockingly disgraceful attack on Chuck, it's really hard to see him in a positive light. Hand waving it away with "Oh, Chuck made him this way" is not enough. Jimmy getting all teary-eyed watching his brother possibly die, while doing nothing to

Eh, I don't have any strong feelings about what Chuck did. It was the right thing for his firm and the right thing for the client. He was able to convince the client of this fairly without the need to resort to anything underhanded. It was business as usual and exactly what you'd expect had Chuck and Jimmy/Kim had no

A turn for the better. Having left behind the dull marital relations we get back to political scheming, a definite improvement on the previous couple of episodes. The writing though… it was never great, but even with a return to the show's strengths it's not quite working for me. Definitely watchable now though, it

I don't think Chuck is evil at all, we just get to see him doing unkind things to a likeable but not "good" person in Jimmy. We need to remember that this is a relationship that's been decades in the making. As Chuck says this episode he loves Jimmy, but like with an alcoholic there comes a time where those close to

Genuinely surprised with the positive reaction to recent episodes. This show has always been ridiculous but has fallen even further and it's played too seriously for it to work. None of the plot-lines are believable, all of the characters are flat and the direction, writing and plotting are so direct and clumsy that

So this revival has been entertaining enough, but still largely unsatisfying. I'm actually glad we only have 6 episodes. Maybe with a longer run a better effort could have been made but I'm not convinced. The show had already been run into the ground and it's pretty clear to me that it should have stayed there. My

She'd been away from the other revenants for too long and was turning into one of the zombie-like creatures.