
Yes he is. His picture is shown on Jerome's evidence wall, his name is Etienne.

Three episodes remaining. What are we waiting to see before the end?

No third season is planned, though Gobert has said it's possible.

I was talking about after Simon returned and was wanted by the cops in season 1. I think the priest gave information about his whereabouts to the police and that could be the source of the mistrust in this ep seeing as the situation has repeated.

Which is why subjects are not told whether they receive the placebo or not, just that they may get a placebo. This is common practise and makes perfect sense, keeping this information from patients would be highly unethical and almost certainly result in law suits.

After the first season there were two options: 1) keep a low focus on plot and answer few of the questions raised. 2) have more of a plot focused season and answer those questions.

I think this was referring to the first season, if I remember right the priest gave the police Simon's location.

Victor's definitely the most intriguing character. A couple of other thoughts:

After rewatching more of season 1, I'm becoming convinced that Victor/Louis is not an evil force. My theory is that after foreseeing it, he was actually trying to stop the bus accident by standing in the road. The driver being distracted by Camille and only noticing Victor when it was too late prevented his plan from

Thanks, I think I remember that now you mention it. Was a bit disconnected from the opening of season 2 with so much time between seasons. Rewatching the first season now interleaved with season 2.

Starting to think that Victor's creepiness is misdirection and that he's actually more benevolent/benign; heavily creepy early but has softened since. I think he's more tortured by his foresight than a demon child causing mayhem. Rewatched some previous episodes and it's interesting that it seemed to be Mr Costa who

Another excellent episode. Only two complaints: 1) some Coenverse references are too direct, saw the Simone shooting/seeming shooting from a long way off. No gunshot, no bodyshot suggests Simone is alive. 2) Why didn't Hank tell Floyd the full theory of how Rye was killed? Would have been more convincing than, "Oh I