
It's weird that this article makes fun of how silly Jem is while the Clarissa one treats the show like some kind of fascinating, experimental subversion because they did doodles on the screen.

The episode where Stormer and Kimber both feel rejected and team up is probably my favorite.

I was always under the impression that Jerrica had no musical talent unless she used the earrings to become Jem. But I probably just made that up in my own head to excuse the need for transformation.

Right? She was gorgeous. It's funny how in the later seasons of Growing Pains they just accepted she was beautiful and there was nothing they could do to make her look like a dork.

The theory is that she had botox and/or some kind of brow work around 2005, the time of The Beekeeper, which someone else here so perfectly described as a "chamomile coma."

No, she definitely had something done. I was in the Tori fandom for a long time and it was discussed/analyzed to death (still is). She actually looks a lot better and more natural lately than she has in many years.

This is the second or third time I've seen you obsessing about "Don redemption fantasies" (and not so subtly implying that all female fans care about is pretending they can save Don) in comment threads where -no one- is talking about any such thing.

Everything involving female characters in this episode was pure, hot garbage. Very disappointed.

There are major indications that she's always been vain and fame-seeking. Some commenters here pointed out how the trip to California was like an audition for Mrs. Draper. Then her story about hanging out with her actress friend sounded very much like she was using her for connections. More recently, there was her