Jane and Michael are seriously #RelationshipGoals
Jane and Michael are seriously #RelationshipGoals
I think (if something does happen to Michael before the wedding which I give about a 50-50 chance to given that JTV is generally fairly grounded in emotions but weddings not getting completed is such a telenovela thing) that Michael will end up in a coma and suffer memory loss. Partially because I don't want him to…
Yeah I was not expecting that plotline at all (though the "do you have a family history of twins" kinda sorta foreshadowed it) and I'm really excited to see where it goes!
I hope we get more Barry and Supergirl crossovers someday. That was adorable.
This was honestly one of my favorite Supergirl episodes. Her and Barry were so adorable and wonderful together I wish this was a regular occasion. I wish we had less Siobhan time and more Barry and Kara just hanging out. Winn was fantastic, Cat was amazing (as usual), everyone just calling James out on being jealous…
I totally agree that I stick with this show for the friendships over everything else easily.
I was a huge fan of Owen/Amelia when it started last season but got tired of it a few episodes before the season finale and given how most of the romantic relationships quickly end in fighting/breaking up/leaving the…
Alison Paige! I loved her as Gigi Darcy in the Lizzie Bennet Diaries!
I know it'll never actually happen but I totally ship it. They'll destroy enemies with cuteness.
I've been thinking a lot about my lack of a romantic relationship lately so this was a perfect reminder that love from friends, family and through hobbies is just as important !
I knew she looked familiar thank you!
I love how incredibly dramatic every moment between the two is. Pure Telenovela! And that music I was so afraid something would happen to Alba
As much as I liked this episode because, well, it's Jane the Virgin, which so far has always been good, I think my main complaint is that it was overstuffed with plotlines. Usually when the show has an overabundance of stories they tie them all together with a common thread to make it all more cohesive but this…
i agree. Polis was fantastic (Lexa and Roan's entire fight was incredible and I loved seeing all the Grounder politics). I'm glad Jasper and Monty are getting some development. Arkadia started out fine and then just fell apart. I knew Pike would be a pain but the Bellamy character development butchering is both…
"They kiss in the pregnant" A+ punning there
Oh god Bellamy is going to be a mess.
a) he feels like Kane is 'trying to teach him a lesson' and after this Kane isn't going to trust him
b) his girlfriend just died and more of his people got blown up because he trusted someone
c) Clarke is leaving him behind again
I knew Gina was going to die after her first appearance…too bad I was lowkey shipping Gina/Raven
I am so on #TeamHotProf but as a slow-burn where they get together after she graduates so we'll seeeeee
I dont care how scary it is the fact that the next episode is Supergirl vs. a plant is just funny
I like how the creators decided to cast Melissa Benoist's real-life husband (and former Glee costar) for Adam. A page from the Sherlock school of casting: hey we need a love interest how about your spouse!