
So I'm some kind of Scarface now?

His name is Chris, not Andre.

Oh dear God Sam do not go down the DCEU hell hole.

I didn't even realize I had done it.

I caught audio of some Family Guy DVD commentary where he was pretty offended that FOX wouldn't air the cutaway joke where Quagmire raped Marge Simpson and then killed the whole family because The Simpsons' plagiarism joke they had made was exactly the same thing in his eyes.

Seth MacFarland finally got his Star Trek fan fiction made into a TV show. He even gets to play his OC Jack Luke Picard Peterson.

I just watched Frailty a few weeks ago after Bill Paxton died. Powers Booth is the other stand out performance in that.

I follow Joel McHale on Instagram and I admire him for promoting the hell out of this show but I'm glad it's over because my god does he deserve better than that. (And how the hell did they get Stephen Fry of all people?)

I wish someone would take the shit he spews out and shove it right back in his mouth, but with actual shit.

And it's a really good movie.

That's way cooler though!

BvS made a great effort to make Diane Lane look way older and unattractive then she actually is so you know, she can poo-poo it all she wants.

I watch a lot of horror so I have a pretty high tolerance for visceral things, not that I can't be disturbed by it but it's usually stuff I can shrug off. But that scene with the horse in The Revenant was just gratuitous and disgusting for the sake of pretentiousness and it pissed me off. Like I get it, how you stuck

The poor dog.

Never read it but I know that scene. Female mutilation like that freaks me out.

I rewatched Jumanji after Robin Williams passed away and for whatever reason the filmmakers chose to use practical giant spiders and not CGI like the other animals so here I was, a grown ass woman screaming and hiding under the blankets over a kid's movie.

What museum was it so I never accidentally wind up there and have a heart attack?

That "Unsteady" song is obnoxious and cloying and any show that wants to associate with it probably is too. *Pulls up grumpy pants from ankles*.

I mean at least they weren't jumping out of the cartridges so my pants are safe for another day.

Are we sure Spicer isn't just three children in a trench coat trying to get out of kickball practice?