
Don't Shoot Me Santa Clause seems more appropriate.

Has someone made a distasteful Heathe Ledger/Eric Lee conspiracy theory yet? The Curse of White Clown Makeup aka The ICP Persecution?

Hahaha I wish I could upvote "Capitalist Platypus" a million times.

Remember that scene in Goblet of Fire when it's revealed that Barty Crouch Jr. was posing as Mad-Eye and it was good? This was not that. This was stupid.

I'm with Iggy here: There's good stuff but the structure is poor, there's not a lot of world building for the America wizarding world (no new spells, almost no new locations, etc.), a lot of characters are introduced but there's not much too them, there's a lot of dead air in spaces, as a plus and negative, I'm really

I flat out laughed. I didn't know Depp would be making an appearance but for fuck sake's that revelation came out of nowhere and was just so shoehorned in. Terrible.

Alison Brie is 30 or almost 30, she's basically a grandma.

I did that two years ago before it was cool.

Going to pick up my mom at the airport at the moment. Political discussion is inevitable. Wish me luck that I don't kick her out going down the freeway.

I just watched the trailer. I don't know how she managed to capture that 60s stilted cinematography but it looks so genuine. I really want to watch this.

Ah yes he got the Evil Twin Brother look at the barbershop this week.

He can be the president but I don't have to call him that. I'll opt for Fuck Ass instead.

No I think it's an implant.

That's why Ant-Man worked imo. He did stumble into it and realized he could rise above being a criminal and be a better father. Where Civil War leaves him is kinda iffy but still.

Now You Three Me.

Big red NO.


While I do like Pepper Potts and the arc of her relationship with Tony, I agree, I really liked McAdams' character in the limited time she had.

Dude I fucking dug the hell out of this one, I can't wait to see it again.

Is it okay to talk bad about his movies now? They all have pretty mediocre scripts that are either hindered or enhanced by the performers.