
My takeaway from the Seahorse father was that that's probably an accurate realization of how male pregnancy would go. Pop a baby out on the bus, go to work, forget about it.

I'm not really one for remakes being made just for name recognition, but I would absolutely endorse a Nicolas Winding Refn version of Suspiria.

Super Don't Care.

Not all film majors are snotty assholes - A film major.

Then two years later "I'll Make A Man Out of You" from Mulan happened and plagued my high school for years.

Amazing Spider-Man 2 made me yearn for the nuances of Batman Forever.

The pay off for Vision holding Thor's hammer was worth it for the audience's reaction when I saw it opening night.

Ahhhhhhh guess I gotta start watching B99 again.

Why the hell did Deadshot not kill Harley? What actual reason was there? And why didn't Waller blow his head off there and then the moment he refused to do it?

His death has sincerely fucked with my head. Didn't know him, but what a lonely way to go.

"For Anton" itself is heartbreaking to see.

Oh that's an interesting idea for a show I continue to not watch.

What!? You're telling me that wasn't a Leprechaun "Fuck you Lucky Charms" reference?

I loved the one-two punch of Nice Guys and Popstar, two totally different but frigging hilarious movies that did not make a lot of money.

It goes against my moral senses and logic, but I simply just want something bad to happen to him.

Keaton's a peacock. You gotta let him fly.

Tell them I hate them.

Speaking of Smash Mouth outdated bands from the 00s, can someone explain to me the internet's obsession with Shrek memes?

But he was such a valuable asset to the fil—*snores*

Gosh dammit why won't they put Jane Levy on the show?