
So many kids are gonna become alcoholics.

Whenever the word "memoirs" comes up, I just hear John Malkavich getting increasingly angrier and angrier.

The lack of any information about this officer and the hush-hush attitude of the entire department is what's bothering me. They're trying so hard to sweep it under the rug. That's fucking madness.

This is something I didn't need to spend several minutes looking into. But here we are.

Dear Me, you still have two episodes left of season one. Dumbass.

Fox and Not-So-Hoes.

It's been pretty mediocre for tentpole movies. I'm more tired of people complaining about stuff like Suicide Squad and Ghostbusters, and anything that looks possibly not to their standards. Like seriously, are you gonna keep complaining about it and then not even bother to watch it?

I'm just more tired of the trend of showing a dozen trailers before the movie ever comes out. I get it, brand recognition and keeping interest, but why not let one or two trailers just speak for themselves?

You know, this year has been pretty mediocre for movies. This haughty attitude that Suicide Squad is gonna be mediocre doesn't really make you a better person for being right.

I like to pretend Up is just a really good and really sad 10 minute short.

I can't help but feel that was intentional.

It seems silly that the number one reason I didn't want to watch it was just because the doofy designs of the dinosaurs. Gorgeous backgrounds, ugly characters.

It just boggled my mind that the finale had a full season plotline's worth of story and they opted to cramp ALL of it into the last episode. So instead we have an episode about bedtime stories or whatever.

I think the first 4 seasons are pretty solid. But once Eric and Donna get engaged and the show refuses to let them move on to college, in that it HAD to keep the status-quo, really makes the latter seasons suffer and I usually don't watch those.

Deleted my Facebook a year or two ago. I get grief from people not being able to get a hold of me but that's on them for not bothering to call or email.

Absolutely tell her. If they make you uncomfortable you shouldn't put up with that. You didn't marry them.

It's unfortunate that her attitude isn't actually that uncommon where she's from. So she'll always be regarded in some fashionable light depending on where you are.

And apparently she's a big fan of the Hunger Games and Divergent class systems.

That was my favorite line of the episode. Even more so than Jonah's episode at the elementary school.

1st pic: Ew.
2nd pic: Ew.
3rd pic: Hehehehehehehe tiny burgers.