
There's an extreme lack of depth brought to her characters that makes it hard to understand why we are watching a movie on this character. Many of these movies suggest a sad backstory about not being loved as a child but none of them actually show how her character's get from point A to point B (being when we meet her

The market for zombie films is over right? Walking Dead being the exception the fad seems to have finally passed.

You don't need to rebrand Scooby-Doo if it's been a constant commercial success for 50 years. But no let's make it hip for the kids.

This trailer was the tits.

I mean I could drive to LA to watch all three movies or I could sit at home with my pants off and drink wine and maybe watch all three movies but probably just take a nap.

Also Cap was an actual solider in WWII, casualties and death were part of the job.

Oh hey good for Chris! His YouTube series is great, mainly because he gets to the point and is articulated, being a movie fan/critic first and a comedian second.

it is not good when I'm watching a movie and asking myself of the main character, "But is she retarded? Like sincerely what is wrong with her?"

The dynamic between Bullock and McCarthy truly elevates the material. I'd watch a million movies with those two than her and Kristen Wiig.

I want to like her but even in the better films she does she's too broad for me. Spy however was a relief after the double shitstorm of Identity Thief and Tammy, both of which just fucking terrible.

Ugh…that lost kid thing. It's contrived set up was just as obnoxious as its conclusion. And now he's back with his parentsokaybyefromthemoviethiswaspointless.

That's why horror movies conventions are the best!!! I'd argue it's an older generations niche but young people eat that shit up too.

Lol Savage Garden.

I watched BvS and lived! (Actually didn't hate it 6/10 for me. The editing is fucking garbage though and I don't know what they were doing with Lex Luthor).

Oh my god don't tell my mom this!

Fuuuuuuuuuuck this.

So is this like BoJack Not-So-Horseman?

Mike White wrote a movie for Jack Black?

Seeing "poopie" spelled out really makes me laugh.