
I really want Charlie to make it out okay. He doesn't know what he's getting into and I really want to see Bear kick Dodd's head in for nearly getting his son shot to death.

Yeah there's that lingering feeling that I have with Bob's Burgers in general. Especially the kids, who are just entirely in their own world most of the time. But then it wouldn't be much of a comedy show otherwise. I sympathize with a lot of the characters, but this one it was all about Bob.

You got cheeze-whizzed in your sleep brah! #PledgeWeek!

I do hope he and Kellan Lutz are playing brothers and not father and son.

Ash is all for the mommies and the babies.

I got it! I learned about Ich from American Dad!

I'm very excited to take my mom to this movie next week. My brother grew up with Peanuts and it's one of those pop culture things that I was really grandfathered into, it's something that's dear to all of our hearts.

I'm very excited to take my mom to this movie next week. My brother grew up with Peanuts and it's one of those pop culture things that I was really grandfathered into, it's something that's dear to all of our hearts.

Not guilty about being guilty.

Hmm I wonder how much of The Jazz Singer influenced western animation in that period?

D'aww now I realize Ken Marino and Lizzy Caplan aren't in the same time period of the MCU.

You're asking a lot for the internet to be respectful about someone sadly losing their parent to Parkinsons.

Anyone who cusses out a child is a hero.

I know what it is but I'll click it anyway.

*Plugs ears and eyes* La-la-la-la I haven't see the episode yet but I did just want to say I've been thinking about the pilot and Ed and Peggy's situation. Maybe I'm just stating the obvious at this point but it seems like even if Peggy had done the right thing when she hit Rye with the car, she'd would still meet the

I got extremely stoned on Halloween one year and watched The Monster Squad. I remember I just kept saying, "So this is just The Goonies?" even though I've actually never seen The Goonies.

There are two kinds of people in this world, those who love Evil Dead (& II & AoD) and those who haven't seen it.

You guys, I liked Up All Night and am sad it never got close to the potential that was there. I hope he and Christina Applegate work together again.

Is…she Mark Ruffalo's wife in Foxcatcher? A movie I was highly engrossed with and loved btw.