
I listened to the whole interview, which is great and everyone should listen too, so I found him to be very humble about his projects. Every time one of them complimented him or his movies he seemed genuinely grateful and I'm really impressed that there was a healthy discussion of what it's like to succeed and fail

"Boyhood is one of the few three-hour movies that viewers wanted to keep going once the credits rolled"

Randall Park is great in it, he really makes this version of Kim Jong Un sympathetic until the end.

Randall Park is great in it, he really makes this version of Kim Jong Un sympathetic until the end.

Hobos like to be fucked too.

You can't say that. It takes Gordon at least twenty years over THREE MOVIES to figure out that Batman is Bruce Wayne. And it's only because Bruce flat out tells him.

Santa Clause: You have all been very naughty! Very naughty indeed! Except you, Dr. Zoidberg. This is for you.
Zoidberg: A pogo stick!

"I'll show ye".

As a writer I cherish Fry's line, "It took me an hour to write, I thought it would take an hour to read."

I'm super frustrated. I understand why the movie theaters would be nervous about a bomb threat but even if that were to happen it wouldn't be possible to affect EVERY theater in the nation. I understand that the hacking has been at the expense of so many employees despite the fact that the journalistic side has had a

I don't believe anything will happen either but it's extremely unfortunate that my mom is calling me to warn me about working on Christmas (in a movie theater) because the news reports are apparently comparing this to some kind of 9/11 pandemonium. Fear is stupidly powerful and it has worked perfectly here over a

I really liked Levi and was crushed to see him leave. He seemed like a really nice kid. They all do to be perfectly honest.

I really got into this show briefly but what pulls me out as does with the very few other reality shows I've watched over the years is how little the overall performance matters. It's about what makes for good TV. Oona, adorable as she was, should have been sent home during her second week in the bottom two instead of

I'm glad to see he lost. I didn't out right hate him like a lot of people do but he needs to learn about humbleness, and hopefully him losing will steer him in that direction.

RIGHT. GAH I was so mad that Sean got sent home. That kid was a fucking artist. Those cupcakes he made alone should have made him the number one. I haven't caught up with the last few episodes but I'm sad to see Adaiah didn't make it to the finale, especially because I was so curious about her and the show never

I'm not gonna fish through the comments to see if this was brought up about Snowpiercer but the scene of them running the torch from the back of the train to the front was a fantastic moment.

I say there is about 20-25 minutes of TASM2 worth watching. Unfortunately it's sprinkled over the 2.5 hour slog.

I'll only watch this if George Clooney plays 1990s George Clooney.

The Buzzfeed article that talked about the emails regarding Obama just opened a floodgate of political bias and outward acceptance of racism. I'm glad we here at AVClub won't stoop to such levels.

It's either the hair and weird blue eyes or the way too dramatic music that is making this come off as silly rather than serious.