
Did you dress like a goth? All the tech crew kids at my high school were goths.

Do you have a personal vendetta against high school drama kids O'Neal? Asking as a reformed high school drama kid.

Dammit! I haven't been to the Olive Garden in like for-ever!

This is Hiddleween. This is Hiddleween. Hiddleween! Hiddleween!

Now do the Duckula intro!

Happy Monday! I got stuck in traffic and completely missed my class because of it, now I'm at home doing homework.

Kristen Schaal is a gem, it's Kristen Wiig who's obnoxious.

I recall my mom bemoaning the fact that she took us to see "George of the Jungle" four times. I have no idea how the hell that happened.

Yeah why did the husband jump exactly? Otherwise Barbara would have gotten shot even though everyone else had guns on the brother?

I confess I like this moment in "The Principal and the Pauper", paraphrasing though:

I brought this up on another site but with social media, celebrities are joining in this new level of interaction with their fans that on the surface is great and fun to see who they are outside of their work (for better or worse). But on the other hand that just gives everyone this sense of entitlement that we

That was a great article. I didn't watch the video but I was so bold as to venture through the comments. What shouldn't have surprised me is that no sane person would try to reason with anyone in the comments.

I will say it's a testament to Guardians that I've seen it 3 times and even though I work at a movie theater and could see it for free, I've gone out of my way to other theaters to pay and watch it. But I'm buying time until Days of Futures Past is out on DVD.

Last night I watched Shadow of A Doubt for the first time since high school. It's Hitchcock's Secret Disney Movie, about a loving every day American family living in the suburbs of a perfect little California town where the eldest daughter wants more out of life and her father and his friend share a humorous

You fail to mention that during this whole time the camera is having aneurysms and seizures.

I already own the whole series but YAY!

Well until Dikachu sports a cool Spike costume, you have a lot of merit here.

Freshmen! Let's pants him!

"Inherent" maybe not, but there is a misanthropic ideology in these movies since Sin City is pinned by Frank Miller. Entertaining sure, but these movies are filled to the brim with sardonic misery and I think it affects the women more since all of them are destined to be nothing other than sex objects.

Congratulations you passed my secret homonym examination. And any time in the future I do that again, because I assure you that will happen, you passed another homonym examination.