Scott Thomas

Wow - normally the AV Club is pretty accurate to my feelings on most films. I feel you really missed the mark on this one and Im not sure why the review is this generous. What a steaming pile of turd this whole thing was.

That original Batman score is truly legendary. Right up there with Star Wars and Superman theme.

THis show is just so good. Acting levels…insane. Great ensemble.

Im looking forward to the dying and being brought back to life ride!

Low bar? There is no low bar.

No. You Gotta lock that down.

Sorry no can do. I don't think it was as annoying as some of the other offenders. But it has that bad habit of having characters constantly trying to act "rad"! It seems to be something animators/animation writers have to lean on heavily.

Yeah. They really suck. But I'm not sure it's just the ending dance scenes - it's the endless characters trying so hard to be endlessly and comically "cool". Even the incredible Stephen Colbert was a god damned animated nuisance in the equally awful and non musical Monsters vs Aliens.

Oh great - it looks like theyve mashed up lots of pieces of old aliens films. This doesn't look particularly good or new.

Love the podcast, but didnt tune in much for the show - just hard to generate the same feel with scripting. There was some good stuff to be sure, but also a lot o equally flat stuff. The character work which is so awesome on the podcast really seem to suffer on the TV.

and the casting of Luthor (terrible)

Would someone please just ask Sean Hannity!

AA Dowds answer make me want to seek him out and quietly smother him.

If you need cheese go the donair pizza route. I have actually transitioned to more donair pizza now when the cravings hit. After 25 years of eating insane Maritime Donairs on drink nights - it takes a toll. But there are still times I hear the sizzle in the distance and heed the call!

No - I'm indicating the that cheese is NOT acceptable on a true donair at any time. Spicy Meat, steamed pita, tomato, onion, sweet sauce - tinfoil wrap - and that's that.

Uhm - no it's not.

The first film enraged me to no end. Never has a film character deserved to be punched in the face as much as Eisenberg in that film - with the exception of maybe Eisenberg in Superman Batman. Here's hoping this film series finally does disappear - entirely.

Looks better than FA. There I said it.

As I recall, the fighting system was very cool - the story nearly incomprehensible. Much like superman, I prefer my heros slightly less sulky.

Look at this…we're ACTING!