
This was a really special episode that reached rare emotional heights. In effect, this was the "passion" of the Doctor and a proper existential ordeal. Loved the setting and the sound. It had a real literary quality; it was brilliantly kafkaesque. After "Listen" and now this, Moffat is clearly hitting his stride with

but it's from the human eye?

given that the Doctor fails to understand what is going on and Clara is endangered, it definitely works as a kind of nightmare for him

the conjunctivitis files

if the point of the footage was to transmit the same morpheus electrical signal why would you have had to have been in the machine to be affected by it?

so the morpheus machine gives you a months worth of sleep and that month's worth of sleep dust collects and coalesces where exactly? the idea is almost there but I think Gatiss fudged it slightly. after the golden arrow nonsense of last season I thought he would be more careful.

I thought the abrupt ending to this one worked nicely in contrast to previous two-parter which arguably was a bit too neat and on the nose with its message and moral. Here we had a confused, fragmented and unheroic narrative - a very different kind of Doctor Who story. The lack of resolution to this one might actually

As the first stand alone episode of the season I think this was a qualified success. Sure the eye gunk concept was a bit undercooked, but sense can be made of it: I think the implication was that the Morpheus machines on the space station were so advanced that the sleep dust would eventually envelop the host making