Graeme Smith

See Worf in star trek, who's martial prowess was used to prove how strong the invading force was….until it happened for the 10th week in a row and his "tough guy" credentials took a bit of a beating.

*Stone* men don't tend to float/swim particularly well and I'm pretty sure they still need to breathe, so it's actually feasible that once they're in the water, trouble is gone.

That was exactly my reaction when he appeared, and exactly why I think it's borderline spoiler to put it in this article.

Although it could also look like he's just sat down in Dorne not doing much at all…..

I really disagree with your final conclusion - the show has displayed multiple times that they're willing to create stories for characters that get forgotten in the book (Gendry), create characters to add to the show (Ros was an unnamed northern whore in the book) and massively rewrite existing stories when they

Yeah, I think this is an interesting question. As far as the "good guys" in the MCU are concerned, there is no Hydra between either the end of the war/the formation of SHIELD and the events of CA2. But the showrunners have to be aware that we will have that in our heads as we watch. So…

I think that's part of the reason why "12 years a slave" was such a shock to the system. Racism is still being portrayed in film outside of that, but you rarely see a film that so intensely accepts that kind of racism existed in the mainstream.

Do we know for a fact that these characters won't be returning? "Pity-ish sex" becomes something very different if it develops into a relationship and "I kinda want to do this anyway" is eventually proven by that fact?

The final scene (where the fact that it was a prank is revealed) played very strangely to me. I'd read it as her having realised this some time around the fight/tazing, with her description of what happened as a furious "this is what you did to me" rant building up. To have to bring in Morris to state this explicitly

I'm sure this is mentioned elsewhere in the comments, but the identity of the actor playing Dr Mann has been carefully kept out of all promo material and so I think mentioning his name here constitues a spoiler of sorts.

I think Alex sees the college boy as her "type", but she also has a definite history of losing it over buff slacker-types too. I wouldn't be at all shocked to see her get to a point where she's faced with a binary decision along those lines and really struggles with it - even though she'd like to pretend she'd make

I think I'd have to agree with you here. We only ever saw that relationship from Theon's POV - including the scene where he feels like he got yelled at for saving Bran, when if you're being fair to Robb, it was an incredibly risky shot to take.

"Is there really anything more important than the trial for regicide in the continent’s capital?"

From the book, but not really a spoiler: