
It's one of those movies you really wish those movies channels that we pay extra for would just never show again.  I really don't like paying for that crap, I just want to forget.  And I'm sure Costner feels the same way.

It's one of those movies you really wish those movies channels that we pay extra for would just never show again.  I really don't like paying for that crap, I just want to forget.  And I'm sure Costner feels the same way.

Back off Legend of the Fall now.  That was an awesome Pitt vehicle.  Liked Aiden Quinn but not as much as I liked Henry Thomas.  I was so bummed when he got killed in the Great War.  And yes, you must say "The Great War" when referencing WWI.

Back off Legend of the Fall now.  That was an awesome Pitt vehicle.  Liked Aiden Quinn but not as much as I liked Henry Thomas.  I was so bummed when he got killed in the Great War.  And yes, you must say "The Great War" when referencing WWI.

Meet Joe Black, oh my god, I never even saw the movie one time from beginning to end.  I've seen it in pieces.  It bored the shit out of me each time I tried to actually watch the entire thing.  I just couldn't stomach watching my beautiful Brad Pitt walking around with a stupid smile on his face.  It was not a good

Meet Joe Black, oh my god, I never even saw the movie one time from beginning to end.  I've seen it in pieces.  It bored the shit out of me each time I tried to actually watch the entire thing.  I just couldn't stomach watching my beautiful Brad Pitt walking around with a stupid smile on his face.  It was not a good

Come on now, I ALWAYS cry when I watch that movie.  It gets me everytime. 

Come on now, I ALWAYS cry when I watch that movie.  It gets me everytime. 

I'm guessing you mean "Finding Forrester".  It wasn't all terrible.  There was Connery afterall.

I'm guessing you mean "Finding Forrester".  It wasn't all terrible.  There was Connery afterall.

HEY!!  None of THAT now!  I realize the book is pure fucking scary genuis, but it's just about impossible to be true to that book on the big screen.  I think Demme, Hopkins and Foster did a great job. I was always sorry they made Jack Crawford such a cardboard cutout of a character but they had little time to flesh

HEY!!  None of THAT now!  I realize the book is pure fucking scary genuis, but it's just about impossible to be true to that book on the big screen.  I think Demme, Hopkins and Foster did a great job. I was always sorry they made Jack Crawford such a cardboard cutout of a character but they had little time to flesh

Actually, it bombed big time at the cinemas, but gained a cult following when it came out on video (showing my age here).  I've seen much worse movies do MUCH better money-wise, so Boondock Saints in that context isn't so bad.

Actually, it bombed big time at the cinemas, but gained a cult following when it came out on video (showing my age here).  I've seen much worse movies do MUCH better money-wise, so Boondock Saints in that context isn't so bad.

I guess you never saw "The Ballad of Jack and Rose" with Daniel Day-Lewis, Camilla Belle and Catherine Keener.  That was uncomfortable.

I guess you never saw "The Ballad of Jack and Rose" with Daniel Day-Lewis, Camilla Belle and Catherine Keener.  That was uncomfortable.

Don't watch that show anymore either, except in reruns. Now I have no show to watch until Game of Thrones returns in another 4-5 months. Not obsessed with television but when I find a show that does it for me and they off the character I've invested the most in who is also the most compelling character on the show,

I'm done with this show. They killed off the most compelling character and I won't be watching ever again. Goodbye moron writers, producers and Scorsese.  You fucked up big time.

Well take heart, I think they are finally done. Read a headline about her miscarriage tonight.  Seems the reason they give for forgoing birth control for the past 20+ years was that she had a miscarriage in her twenties after being on the Pill, and decided to never use any birth control again, period. Of course there

After reading several comments and the review, I wish I could come up with something left unsaid, but nope, all here.  I vote finish this season out and say goodbye to Dexter for good.  I would qualify that with, IF they were to announce they have new writing for next season, AND I watched the first two episodes and