
Yeah as a borderline X/Y'er I've never held any animosity towards millennials. It's always been the entitled, enjoyers of the most comfortable phase of the 20th century Boomers I've resented.

They picked up Riker at the local Gulp n Blow.

whoaaaaaa (yeah I know, but I kinda think that's okay - it's less ripping yourself and more, 'embracing a motif')

This is very sad. A wonderful artist and talent. He and Jerry Goldsmith are the reason I started paying attention to film scores from a very young age to this day.

For year 11 English we had to present a thematic analysis of a song to the class so I chose this. Got me a lot of a cred with my peers.

Cool idea, but it looks about as bulky as a Game Boy Pocket and will probably cost a lot more than one does now too :\


He's literally stewing in his own juices!


What kind of advantages does this motor car have over say, a train…which I could also afford.


"What is this some kinda tube?"

"Reading his essay would only waste valuable seconds!"

I often say this to my partner


"3….2…..1…..make rocket go now!"

From the same episode (my equal favourite of all time along with Deep Space Homer), "yess, we'll send him the eye"

"Can Superman outrun the Flash? Uh, sure why not?"

HOW LONG HAVE WE HAD THESE FISH. The entire sequence is my favourite set of visual gags in the show's entire run.

I always thought of it like a car where you replaced the engine, the interior, all body panels etc., all of the drivetrain and only retained the frame (monocoque). Spiritually, you think of it as the same car but in practice there's barely any of the original vehicle retained.