Robert Richman

Thanks. I'd forgotten for a moment his singing it in the original series and it just seemed odd coming from him at this stage if his life apropos to his look. Not judging, just that it's something more fitting in Prince for instance. I'd expect James Marshall to come off more like a Ricky Nelson or Chris Isaak. But

What was the idea behind having James Hurley sing in a falsetto voice, unless his mic was off and we heard only the voices of his backup singers? Clearly there was no audible sound of a man's voice, if any at all, coming from him.

Whether tv has changed and views don't want to invest in a lengthy season, or some of the actors had contractual obligations making it impossible [season 1 ran 22 episodes], this redux has shown little character development and is unfortunately, far less dialogue driven. While Scofield and Burrows are essential to