Saint Smithen

Did they pay you to write this?

"Speaking of, your mileage may vary, but as rape jokes go, this one worked for me. We spend a few scenes cringing at the ugliness that Starr is going to inflicted on some hookers, only to see his own words reflected back at him with him as the victim." Fucking WHAT?

"He’s been around long enough that he can say smart enough things, but his essential weakness mean that those things are never going to have the necessary weight to invoke meaningful change." Fucking what?

Also, what the honest fuck was this?
"While Tulip is still struggling, she doesn’t have Jesse’s quixotic need to for answers; as the most pragmatic member of the main trio, she’s just doing what she can to work through her problems, and if that means getting shot in the chest over and over while wearing a bulletproof

This fuckin goofnuts has a hate-on for Herr Starr and I don't get it.

No one cares about your shitty kids. Leave them at home. You're ruining everyone else's night out.

Boo hoo hoo

Toshite Show: Black Lodge Reunion, where they find all these assholes floating down a stream, wrapped in plastic.

Tee hee look at the adorable pixie pretending to smoke a doob. Yech.