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    Im going to agree to disagree with you on Point 1 cz really we're on 2 different ends of the spectrum when it comes to judging acting skills and Im sure neither of us are experts. Also we're never gonna see eye to eye on Katie Cassidy being able to emote anything so.. yea lets just leave it at that.

    Over Katie Cassidy who constantly has a stiff blank expression on her face unless she's whining? Even David Ramsey made fun of her during his con session. He was imitating the cast and his impression of Katie Cassidy? Mindblowingly hilarious (and probably true since he works wi her and all)You should catch that video

    As opposed to the rest of the cast that have academy awards under their belt? Atleast I dont cringe the way I do when Laurel comes on screen saying "OLLIE".. I thought being BC would redeem her? Not a chance though. Thea seems like more BC material than Laurel but if the showrunners had a brain they would never have


    LOL! You must love every scene of Laurel then, cz u just summarized her entire arc on Arrow since Season 1

    Couldnt agree more… I should be over Sara tragically falling off the roof (i cant even use the word dying. Oh damn! just did), but every time i see Laurel in Buckles running around like a headless chicken, I want Sara RESURRECTED all over again…

    Hahahaha!.. yea.. I wonder why..

    OH MAN! This episode made me miss Sara all over again! What a goddamn amazing fighter/hero! Did nobody see what an awesome Black Canary she made? Everything the legendary character is supposed to be.. And now we have.. well what we have currently.. and all i can think is Im majorly settling for some seriously second

    Honestly, the island scenes were beyond awesome and lets be honest: Any episode with Slade Wilson in it is automatically a winner! Im terrified of what he's going to do next even when he's in a goddamn prison! I didnt think Id ever say this but THEA QUEEN did some outstanding work..(on the island tht is). The stunts

    Digg & Felicity being shown at their respective jobs was the least contrived way fr them to show them in the flashbacks. Oliver seeing Felicity had less to do wi Felicity herself and more to do with "Oh hot chic thinks im cute! Im so awesome". They could possibly have replaced Felicity wi random hot chic and the scene