
This review is nuts. The truly amazing thing about this movie is that there are almost NO dead spots. Almost every single joke is funny, and a pretty solid majority are of the "deep belly laugh" variety.

I dunno, he fits "tortured poseur" alright.

That's all he WAS. The man could barely write a sentence without cluttering it up with cliches, excess modifiers, pointless description of minutia, and awkward cadences. That's not to even get into his terrible characterization, his solipsism, his tendency to offer Midwestern banalities as some kind of grand "truth",

I was expecting a movie starring James Franco as Wallace writing Infinite Jest. But hey, biography gets released, you make a biopic. Gotta keep the money train rolling if you wanna keep up the illusion that the man had anything to offer other than sweaty palms and narcissism.