
Nahh you just lost your sense of humor over it. That the trolls could even troll Hillary into a reaction on the campaign trail on national TV I find funny as hell. Trolling has become a high art form these days.. To the point they can compete with the government and mainstream news for control of the narrative.

It is really simple.. Godwin's law.. They know those on the left will call anyone who disagrees with them nazi, it is standard tactic when losing a debate or protesting a speaker etc.so they are just saving them the trouble.. It is a stock in trade shaming tactics 101 to shut down debate.

They aren't actually nazis, it is simply the most effective avenue to prick the sensibilities of those on the political left and send them into a violent rage…

The vast majority aren't Nazis they simply know it will get the biggest response out of you. They are simply pressing the buttons on your emotional remote control because you handed it to them..

You know I would normally never wear Nazi gear, but if you were around I likely would just to fuck with you because you are obviously an asshole. You don't get to physically attack people for the clothes they wear and if you do hopefully everyone within sight will pound you a new one before you are carted off to jail

And history shows us that it only takes about 3-4% of the population taking up arms and revolting to pull off a revolution.