Jim Lo

Yeah honestly she's a gem, I can't help but like her character in a messed up kind of way, at least in this episode lol

I think that it sometimes happen with parents of gay kids, one of them becomes a ruthless version of Mary Griffith (before her son's suicide) and you know being really irrational, so the other parent despite not being on board with the whole gay thing, at least stands up for his/her son or daughter and just tries to

"Great Job with that one, Terri and Michael."

My God this episode was intense… What I love about this show is that there is no sugarcoating at all, they tell things bluntly and aggressively, yet balance it out with "softer" scenes, this time though, the episode was packed full of… shocking( for lack of a better word) moments.

Ha! My thoughts exactly, usually that would make you seem inexperienced or that you hadn't had sex in a while, I can' imagine it being used as flirting, unless you're into inexperienced guys…

That's what I thought at first as well, and I suppose it could still be possible, but it's not unusual that a closeted gay teen says (and rightfully so) that he is confused or trying to figure things out, that could mean he is gay, and in denial which the majority, but it could also mean he is bisexual or pansexual…

I didn't think they kissed either, the show just does that weird editing thing with curse words and even kisses, when Taylor first kissed Evy the camera focused on their shoulders, and when Eric kissed that guy in the car it also kept on fading to black.
I agree with what said above, we have no reason to believe they

"Felicity Huffman continues to make her character as oleaginous as any portrayal I've seen recently"

I gotta say this episode was just as amazing as the others if not better, we delve further into this case, and although we get some answers we're still not close enough to understand what really happened. We know that both Eric and Taylor have already lied before, so what's to say they aren't both lying now?

I think it's meant to be a bit grim, I mean we wouldn't want rape to be handled like a comedy. Yes, it rarely has a happy moment, but somehow it still manages to crack me up at times, like when that guy said he didn't skeet on no boy lol. It also makes me wish Wednesdays came quicker :D

Of course I completely agree it could also be a case of how he didn't give his full consent and was drugged because Eric was too horny and lost it a bit? That seems to be what the show wants to think at least.

Nobody wants him to be involved, we're just discussing based on his reactions, this is a crime show and I don't think things will be as straightforward as we expect or that the crime will be resolved by not even half the season.

I suppose you're right, except she's way more ruthless, and less of a sobbing mess.

That was why a part of me enjoyed seeing her shocked expression when it was indeed rape. I screamed at my tv "ha! now you got nothing to say b****" Then I remembered it was actually rape and nothing to be excited about, but God seeing Felicity Huffman like that gave me joy.
I have to admit though that the principal

He even gave him the ball so that he could score, his mother complained about it afterwards in the car drive, that seemed to me like a pretty special bond, like he was trying to be as nice to him as possible. But then again the way Eric rubbed himself against him in the locker room and said "Give it to me" led me to

I recall Evie saying that Eric was the one that drove them home, so I doubt he was taking pictures of Taylor and making fun of him, unless I missed something?

Interesting theory and I find myself agreeing with a lot points you made. I also believe Kevin is involved and I also picked up on his aggressive ways of handling girls and how he desperately wanted to have sex, maybe to prove a point? The fact that his mom is desperately trying to fix him up and what his dad said

The effects of sexual abuse differ depending on each person of course, but aren't most people that have been assaulted afraid of intimacy/ sex. I personally don't think he would like to relive an experience that scarred him as a child.
I think the whole point of that scene with that other couple, was to introduce the

I was at the edge of my seat watching that scene as well, I understood her anger and frustration, but for someone so protective of her own son, she could have waited until they were both alone. But I suppose they did this to give him trouble at his new/old school as well.

That would be an even better thing to discuss, bisexuals rarely have any visibility in television, and I'm sure judging by the way they handled things so far, the show wouldn't mess things up.