
I'm not trying to prove any position. My position in this debate is just pointing out that this Google engineer's memo didn't say a great deal of the things that people are claiming it said. My evidence is the memo itself…which doesn't contain any "anti-diversity" statements and which doesn't contain any statements

Lol… Nice scientific argument there. Insisting that I "prove" his arguments correct is nothing but a way to skirt serious discussion and demonstrates a complete lack of understanding as to what this memo represents. It's not proof or a conclusive statement, it's a presentation of an argument, a viewpoint.

Sorry, I need you to spell it out for me further… What exactly do you think he actually is advocating for? Women being banned from tech jobs? Segregation in the work place? White, male supremacy?

Care to point me to an analysis showing where he went wrong in his statistical arguments?

Racist rage…Nice words. Why have a rational discussion when you can just call someone a racist, nazi, or white-supremacist? I have chosen to marry someone not of my race and my adopted son is also not of my race. Strange choices for a racist…

Yes, he is advocating for policy change. That's what I said. He is arguing that the programs in place at Google are not creating a diverse company. They are creating an environment in which people with certain points of view (diversity of opinion is just as important for a company or society's success as diversity of

You are assuming that those programs are effective and productive. The whole point of the memo was to provide a statistics-based argument that they are not. Instead of taking his argument at face value, Google and much of the media have just ignored the scientific arguments and resorted to attacking him as

He, of course, said nothing remotely close to that. In fact, in his memo he laid out several suggestions as to how to attract more women to the engineering field. The left is showing the same kind of anti-science, anti-reason hysteria about this stuff that the right does on climate change.

I love the way my head fills in the string orchestration on Golden Slumbers…Such a beautiful arrangement.