
In the last scene, Bob does not go to Nadia's with the intention to kill her and the dog is not supposed to engender trust. Where did you get that idea from?! If you were a little more sensitive to human needs, then you would immediately understand that Bob was making a serious attempt to leave his past behind him and

Yeah, Nadia shooting Bob is the only ending that makes sense for this movie; after all , we are all just dead men walking. I wrote an explanation above before I came all the way down here to read your text. But Nadia was not interested in "staying safe"; she still loved Eric, despite the way he had treated her, and

C'mon, people! It doesn't sound like anyone around here has understood the story or the characters in it. Nadia did not "go" with Bob in the end. She said that she was going to get her coat, but it is up to us to imagine what she actually returned with. And if you really understood the character Nadia, then you will