Commander X

Some years ago I and a couple of friends were at a multi-dealer antiques mall, people with various boothes and niches full of things to sell and I was perusing some vintage records at one dealer, checking out 60's soundtrack discs and everything, and there were some Monkees albums there. While I was looking them over

It was actually Star Fighters: Enter the Lazergrid

"Me talk pretty some day" Reich said.

There was a time when they were really giving out sitcom deals to stand up comics like they were complimentary mints during the late 1980s and early 1990s, it seemed. Like, there were more stand up comedians getting sitcoms than usual. And they'd all be shoehorned into premises about being blue-collar lunks dealing

So it tears the original to shreds, eh? Could one say the the new Doom RIPS AND TEARS IT'S GUTS!

And I understand the Doctor Strange movie is just ripping off anime

Considering how Closing Time opened, it was something of a disappointment:

Scott Pilgrim deserves the electric chair treatment.

Modern "country" pop makes the more…questionable rhinestone cowboy sort of country sound listenable by comparison. But then again, nobody seems to hate traditional sounding country more than the label "suits" in Nashville.

Rabin was lost ever since he attended his first Gathering and was bitten by a Juggalo - the bite resulted in his DNA being overwritten by Juggalo DNA which is partly why he no longer answers to Rabin in public, but instead by the name "Hatchetman Motherfucker".

If only they could somehow go back in time and cancel SNL sometime in the mid 1990s, like just as it was really starting to get bad and the studio audience's reaction to every other sketch involved lots of awkward silence and some faint, uneasy laughter.

It's weird that a franchise that started out as a black-and-white comic parody of some popular trends in comics back in the early 1980s inexplicably blew up into a comics fad, but it's hardly the sort of thing you'd expect to endure across various media.

"Yes, I see."

I'd be more interested in this if it were an adaption of the Japanese tokusatsu Spider-Man TV series from the 1970s

My memories of working at a link in a video store chain, a smaller one involved my catalog of some North American video store patrons like:

One can only hope this movie provokes a review steeped deeply in pants-wetting hysteria as Andrew O'Hehir's review of the first Conjuring for Salon.com

Need a new Cryptkeeper? I hear Cameron Diaz is available.

Are they going to have a scene similar to this one in the new Voltron:

"Hello, m-my names…Robert De Niro…you're probably used to seeing me…whack guys in the movies but now I'm going (squirms during an excruciatingly awkward 20 seconds of silence)…now I'm going to whack you…(mumbling)with-with laughs…"

In this new version, MacGuyver gets frustrated over and over after villains fail to walk into just the right spot to be taken down by his elaborate booby traps and improvised gizmos, decides "fuck it" and starts carrying all sorts of weapons on him. Pistols, machetes, balisong knives…"It's just too much trouble trying