Commander X

Repeating the song title over and over IS an acceptable alternative to lyrics.

Yeah, want to jump on the Damn Daniel trend, that's something that's going to be relevant for quite a while.

Still, compared to some other Holmes adaptions:

I was at an open mike comedy night back in 2001 or so and there were like three people during the night whose sets included Austin Powers impressions. At least they weren't on right after each other in a row.

Definitely going to be a severe lack of foot-fetish material included in this show, going to lose a whole segment of the "Dan Schneider production" audience.

Then there was that time in the late 1980s Sumner and New Order were offered a lot of money to rework "Blue Monday" as a jingle for Starkist. It ended up not happening, nixed by their manager before the deal got too far, but here's a clip from the documentary NewOrder Story©, which featured a mock-up of the ad

I'd rather have obvious red dye like you'd see in a 1970s film than digi-squibs. Or even really obvious red dye like you'd see in a Shaw Bros. production which may have been fake but at least it was usually plentiful.

The term was borrowed from a novel by physician and sometimes sci-fi author Alan E. Nourse, entitled "The Bladerunner", which was about a young man called Billy Gimp (because of his clubfoot) who makes a living smuggling black market medical supplies like scalpels for doctors who work under the radar - the setting is

A bloated ego combined with a childish sense of entitlement, truly Kanye West is a man for our time.

It must be fun working at The Saved by the Bell Cafe, where it's the early-to-mid 1990s all the time!
"Please kill me."

There's money and I mean big money waiting for you in the fabulous field of comedy. Golly, you could earn as much as some club emcees.


The thing about the Satanic Ritual Abuse era was that there was plenty of cases that didn't involve "Satanism," there were a lot of cases at the same time that are the exact same thing - totally based on "recovered memories" criminal cops and therapists drilled into people, total bullshit, they just don't have any

As far as folk recordings go, it's certainly no "Songs of Fire: Songs of a Lesbian Anarchist"

The film's take on Lady Macbeth, Lady Asaji, is a really striking take - she barely moves in the early part of the film, and her tone with her husband is quite polite, but however honeyed the words she uses on him may be there is a trace of venom.

I would hope, with plenty of real life examples to base the corporation's actions on, it avoids the cliche that turns up sometimes in science fiction of the Evil Corporation that's all "Pointless, profitless evil schemes! It's in our prospectus!" and are below the level of old Saturday morning cartoon villains who

Thomas Jane's "puking up" game was on point tonight. The way he spat up all over his hands was solid.

One of the weirdest misfires in television history.

It's right here, we've been keeping it safe for you inside this unused class ring box.

One of the other major theories has been the "inter-dimensional hypothesis", that suggests that UFOs and related activity may involve "realities" or "dimensions" that coexist separately alongside our own, a theory that was advanced more and more during the 1970s and 1980s after such theories were advanced in public,