
Gotta bleed the trolls….. :)

Not as bad as a vegetarian :)

You first. I'm sorry if the truth hurts…but get used to it.

All Hollywood is, is a money making machine, movie are a vehicle for conveying stories that the maximum number of people will relate to and spend money to go see. To that end…the casting reflects the targeted demographics. Male lead, female love interest appeals to couples out on a date, Sidekick buddy comedy

You first.

The double standard from feminists is simple. Men are just men and can be portrayed in any light, but any female portrayed on screen….represents ALL women and must therefore be an idealized role model for young women to aspire to. This is a toxic idea where all female characters must be perfect and only male

Society overall is perhaps 50/50 male and female…but many of the stories told in cinema deal with specific aspects and niches in society. For instance the idea that male/female casts should be 50/50 in war movies where the setting is overwhelmingly male…is absurd. Likewise a 50/50 split of male and female

Take LOTR for instance…… 9 men walking in the woods on a mission to drop a ring into a volcano. Consider the setting, a months long journey of soldiers through the woods on foot in medieval times, and it’s quite easy to see why there are few women in the story. It’s quite simply a matter of their not having been a